Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pages for Peace

Last year, we wrapped up our Pennies for Peace project with a visit from Betsy Sawyer and some of her students from the Bookmakers and Dreamers Club. The students brought some sample pages from the 10 x 12-foot book, and explained the evolution of the project and the difficulties they encountered in finding the right paper, ink, and design.

The book, which includes our students' collages, is now finished, but the club still needs to raise the funds that will make this world's largest book's publication possible.

If you would like to contribute to the cause of seeing the Groton-Dunstable Bookmakers and Dreamers Club's 7-year-long dream of creating the world's largest book become a reality, please visit http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1997534224/the-big-book-pages-for-peace-project

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